Our Churches and Congregations
St Andrew's Church, Bere Ferrers
This is the parish church and was built in the 13th century. It sits on the banks of the River Tavy. (See the history page for more details.) Enthusiastic villagers saved the church from proposed closure in the 1980s. (There are more photos of St Andrew's here and a plan of the church here.) The church is open during the day for prayer and visitors.
Our congregation covers quite a wide range of ages and comes from a wide range of backgrounds - from farming to police, teaching, Navy and architecture. The music for services, which is a combination of traditional and modern, is provided on the organ and on the piano. Ancient and Modern Refreshing Worship, Songs of Fellowship and Mission Praise books are used, the first being the most commonly used. On the third Sunday of each month we have Cafe Church in the Church Hall, when the music is less formal. We would love to see you at any of our varied services (see the Services page) and you will be assured of a warm welcome.
Kitchen facilities have been installed in the North Transept and a toilet in the ex-boiler room. The choir stalls from the Victorian era were replaced by chairs a few years ago and they are sometimes used in winter when the chancel is used for services rather than the whole church, for the sake of warmth!
Some of the St Andrew's congregation enjoying refreshments in the North Transept
A bird's eye view of St Andrew's
Holy Trinity Church, Bere AlstonÂ
Drone photo by Marshall Boswell. Contact webmaster for contact details.
Holy Trinity Church is young compared to St Andrew's, having been built in the mid-1800s, although there was an earlier small Church of England chapel in the village that fell into ruin. The church is open from Monday to Friday during term time until 3pm for prayer and visitors.
Our Bere Alston congregation would also be delighted to welcome you. It is traditional in nature, and has people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Music is provided on the organ and Hymns Ancient and Modern Refreshing Worship is the usual book used. The Service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer is used once a month.
Facilities in the church have been improved in recent years. The boiler system has been updated, the sound system improved and moved to the back of the church and kitchenette facilities installed.